The Evolution of Computer Science (in a Nutshell)I’ll be discussing The Evolution of Computer Science in a nutshell in this article or post or whatever you’d like to call it.Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
Published inaslisachinMust-Have New Year’s Resolutions For ProgrammersThe new year is about to arrive, this is a time we all set some resolutions for the new year. We can also say that these were the goals…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Published inaslisachinTop Soft Skills for Developers and Programmers in 2020Soft skills get little respect but they will make or break your career!Dec 26, 2019Dec 26, 2019
Published inaslisachinResume Tips For ProgrammersHiring managers and recruiters alike say they’ve seen more poorly written resumes cross their desks recently than ever before. Attract…Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
Published inaslisachinWhat is Serverless Computing? (In Simple Terms)As we all know that to do any task on our devices, our device needs to do some operations to complete that task. Oh nooo, I’ve started…Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
Published inaslisachinWhat Are Benefits Of Listening To Music While CodingListening to music can help us stay calm and positive. While Coding sometimes we stuck with some problems, at that time we have to keep…Oct 16, 2019Oct 16, 2019
Published inaslisachinHow To Keep Growing As A ProgrammerBeing a programmer is fun and challenging, You have to keep growing with time and technology. So here are some tips on How To Keep…Oct 15, 2019Oct 15, 2019